Books I have read so far

Number of books: 83


Source Code by Bill Gates

Memoir book of Bill Gates, focused primarily his journey till Microsoft

Category: Biography

Rating: 6.5/10

Amusing Ourselves To Death

Arguments that makes you reconsider your whole view about digitized information

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 8/10


An overview of history, religion, economics, politics and science of 14th century

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

The Art of Doing Science and Engineering

Great ideas from Richard Hamming himself. Many of his predictions are very close, especially about AI

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

Oleg Tinkov: I am like everyone else

Biography of russian millioner Oleg Tinkov, a very straightforward and honest person

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10


First You Write A sentence

Another gem about writing

Category: Writing

Rating: 7.5/10

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Story about a person dying, the last moment thoughts and regrets

Category: Fiction

Rating: 6/10

Don Quixote

It deals with unrealistic perfection that fiction worlds bring.

Category: Fiction

Rating: 7/10

Predictably Irrational

More about irrational everyday behaviour in simple terms

Category: Economics

Rating: 6.5/10

Sane Society

A great analysis of man's unhappiness despite the huge rise of economics

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 8/10

The Lily of The Valley

Good writing style, but I didn't enjoy the plot. It is about how women sacrifice themselves for others

Category: Uncategorized

Rating: 4/10

The Cat And Racket

Short story about simple and beautiful girl Augustine - who gets unlucky in marriage

Category: Fiction

Rating: 9/10

White Nights

Short story about love triangle. Showed the main character as too desperate

Category: Fiction

Rating: 5/10

The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide in Writing

List of recommendations for writing technical and Non-fiction things

Category: Writing

Rating: 6/10

Writing With Style: The Economist Guide

Helped me to understand how to write copies that people like reading

Category: Writing

Rating: 7.5/10

The Elements of Computing Systems: Building Modern Computer from First Principles

Helped me to see overall picture of whole computer, need to read it some time later

Category: Programming

Rating: 6.5/10

Courage to Write

The best book I have read about writing so far in my life

Category: Writing

Rating: 8/10

Adibus Soniy

16 page book that explains the core things that young learner should know

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 9.5/10

Sense and Sensibility

Story of 2 sisters, one is sensible and the other is emotional. In short, it is about love, marriage and money.

Category: Fiction

Rating: 7/10

The Prince

Practical book about politics by Nicollo Machiavelli. I liked how honest and clear he was in his writing.

Category: Politics

Rating: 8/10

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Nice book about OS, helped me to understand what is happening under the hood of my computer

Category: Programming

Rating: 7/10

Why We Can't Just Print More Money

Simple and short explanation of economics, written in a very casual way so that everyone can understand it.

Category: Economics

Rating: 6/10


Very short story by Franz Kafka, at first it was weird, but after finishing it, I got the overall message. No matter how much you did good for anyone, they will hate you if you are not useful to them

Category: Fiction

Rating: 7.5/10


Why Poor Countries Are Poor

A book that took shots on Adam Smith. Well, it changed my perspective on the economy afterall

Category: Economics

Rating: 5.5/10

Brothers Karamazov

I liked this book, even though it was a bit long. A great exploration of human relationships, meaning of life, religion and philosophy

Category: Fiction

Rating: 8.5/10


Reminded myself of the importance of discomfort, mistakes and failures in life. The only way to grow is to expose yourself to these things

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 8/10

Digital Minimalism

Great book by my favorite author Cal Newport. I had issues related to social media, and this book helped me to lower my screen time noticeably

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6/10

From Influence Empire: The Story of Tencent

Detailed look into the history ofTencent, a company that has shaped the modern Chinese economy. Quite inspiring and interesting to learn how young Pony Ma was able to build such a big empire from scratch

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6/10

Art of Computer Science

It looked a bit overrated for me, the information is good, but I found it hard to consume it because of the way it was presented, too much formality and jargon

Category: Programming

Rating: 4/10

A mind for numbers

For those who struggle with math, I found some effective techniques to learn science in a better way

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5/10

Nobody Reads Your Sh*t

Well, not that great book, at least for me. Outline for writing good stories was the only thing I found useful in this books

Category: Writing

Rating: 4/10

Universal Principles of UX

Very practical, understandable and useful resource. Written by a professional in the field, real life examples from her own work for Google, Spotify ,etc

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10

Hackers and Painters

Collection of essay by Paul Graham on various topics

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 7.5/10

Great Mental Models

Good book that made me to rethink my decision making process.

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 4.5/10

And The Wind Is Coming Back

Weird book by a anticommunist author, how he tried to stand against communism and been in jail for 4 times and 2 times in mental hospital

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 3/10


Amazing book by amazing person Tony Fadell, a person behind iPod, iPhone and Nest. I learnt about product design, innovation, business and leadership

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10



Continuation of Animal Farm, a controversial and thoughtprovoking book about power, control and manipulation

Category: Fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

Queen's Gambit

A book that sparked my interest in chess. Didn't impress me much, but I liked the main character

Category: Fiction

Rating: 3/10

Animal Farm

Oh yeah, it was a great satire on communism. Very simple, yet interesting book

Category: Fiction

Rating: 7/10

Flowers For Algernon

One of the favorites. Probably one of the few books that actually made me emotional. Imaginary story that shows the importance of love, empathy and intelligence

Category: Fiction

Rating: 8/10


Fictional story of a person who kind of failed in career and love

Category: Fiction

Rating: 4/10

Malcolm X

Book about a person who tranformed from a criminal to an activist

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 3.5/10

Deep Work

It was my 2nd attempt to read this book, and I finally finished it. Now I understand the message of the book. Showed how our focus and productivity were destroyed in this modern world and how to get it back

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

How To Become A Straight A Student

Fine book about getting good grades in college by Cal Newport

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 3.5/10

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before

Wasted my time on this book

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 4/10

Courage To Be Disliked

Some tips on how to pursue happier life, some of them are useful, only some though

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 4/10

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Good but old book about social media marketing, I mean it should have been good for its period, it was written by Gary Vaynerchuk

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 3/10


Interesting and a bit sad story by Chuck Palahniuk

Category: Fiction

Rating: 6.5/10


Very good and practical book about virality

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 7/10

Benjamin Franklin

It was interesting to learn about the life of Benjamin Franklin. How he helped shape the modern United States by bringing together all the people

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 7/10

The Man's Search For Meaning

A book written by a person who survived the World War II concentration camp. How he managed to stay alive in the moments that many wished to be dead. A book that makes you feel grateful for your life

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

Fahrenheit 451

Very different book that shows the importance of books and knowledge, how they help us to think and question the world around us. One of my favorites

Category: Fiction

Rating: 7/10

Richest Man in Babylon

Not that great book, seemed very basic idea to me

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5/10

Everybody Writes

I learnt about copywriting, content marketing and writing in general. Good resource

Category: Writing

Rating: 6.5/10

From Zero To One

Good insights on how to build a successful startup

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 4/10

Tribes of Mentors

Didn't like it much

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 2/10

Product Design

Below average book about designing good products

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10

Everything is figureoutable

Another bad selfhelp book

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 4/10


Amazing book about differentiation and innovation

Category: Marketing

Rating: 6.5/10


Brand Gap

Loved this work by Marty Neumeier. Eyeopening book about branding

Category: Marketing

Rating: 7/10

So Good They Can't Ignore You

A bit controversial book by Cal Newport. About passion and success in career

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 8/10


Good book about making and marketing good products

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6/10

How will you measure your life

I don't remember what it was about

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 3/10

Storyteller's Secret

Kind of okay book to learn about building stories, mainly for marketing

Category: Marketing

Rating: 4/10

Wolf of Wall Street: Straight Line

As in the movie, the words of Jordan Belfort sounded a bit scammish, I mean too many promises

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5/10

The Passionate Programmer

A nice story of selftaught programmer who became a successful software developer

Category: Programming

Rating: 6.5/10

Win Without Pitching

Must read book for people who want to open their business in creative industry

Category: Marketing

Rating: 7.5/10

Elon Musk

A bit long, but inspiring life story of Elon Musk

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10

Pocket Full of Do's

Short, practical and useful suggestions gathered by Chris Do himself

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10


A nice self reflecting book of Matthew McConaughey. He was totally transparent about his life. The main thing that I got you have to travel. Accept the challenges.

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10

No Filter

Real look into the life of Instagram founders. How they built the company and how they survived the competition

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10


Okayyish book about success, I disagreed with many ideas in that book

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10

48 Laws of Power

I found it interesting and useful at the time of reading it, but later I realized it was all about manipulation, so I changed my mind about it

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6/10

Leonardo Da Vinci

Long and detailed book about the life of my favorite artist Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6.5/10


Waste of time

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 0/10

4Hour Workweek

To me it is a scam

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 0/10


The Third Door

Don't get attached to success or failure , be attached to trying and growing. It is our choices, ...far more than our abilities. We can choose

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 5.5/10

The Alchemist

Frankly, it was a bit boring, but I liked some parts of it

Category: Fiction

Rating: 4.5/10

Power of Habit

Overrated book about habits

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 2/10

Think And Grow Rich

Scam, lies and misinformation

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 0/10


Rich dad poor dad

Overrated book or I am dumb

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 0/10

Steve Jobs

Good book showing the life of visionary and entrepreneur Steve Jobs. But there is one sentence that offended me

Category: Non-fiction

Rating: 6/10

Little Prince

Short, simple and beautiful book about life

Category: Fiction

Rating: 8/10